# Litentry ## Project Description Polkadot Runtime Modules and corresponding UIs: Identity Litentry is a second layer protocol and infrastructure based on Substrate. It focuses on Identity of person and IoT devices, and the authorization and permissions granted by the Person or IoT devices. Details please see [our blog](https://www.litentry.com/post/litentry-introduction) and [the pitch presentation](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-mesEZV5eoRW_dP3MZwbZPUaqNPtMoxd/view?usp=sharing) It mainly includes three parts: 1. Identity runtime module 2. API server 3. Identity management application We are interested into the project since we find the crosschain function provided by Substrate is extremly powerful, thus we do not need to create a centralized server to relay the informations to different application-specific blockchain. ## Team members Currently one full-time developer works on that. * Hanwen Cheng We have a few developer, I could offer their information in private. After we have grant, we will transfer one more part-time developer into full-time. ## Team Website * https://www.litentry.com/ ## Legal Structure Blockweise Ltd. ## Team's experience 1. [Jingtum Blockchain](https://github.com/jingtum) consensus layer, REST API, Javascript SDK. 2. [Genesis Space](https://github.com/hanwencheng/GenesisMobile) - Ethereum based self-regulated mobile application. 3. Longhash Berlin Hackathon 2018 Everitoken challenge winner. 4. Longhash Berlin Hackathon 2019 MXC challenge winner. ## Team Code Repos * https://github.com/litentry/lintentry-runtime * https://github.com/litentry/litentry-mobile-app * https://github.com/litentry/litentry-api * https://github.com/litentry/litentry-web-app ## Team LinkedIn Profiles * https://www.linkedin.com/in/hanwen-cheng-3bb928a7/ * https://www.linkedin.com/in/risheng-xu-7bb39339/ ## Development Roadmap Financial information is sent by the Google form. RoadMap could also be seen [here](https://www.litentry.com/post/litentry-roadmap-july-september-2019) ## Additional Information * What work has been done so far? In our github repository, we have implemented: 1. The protocol of the Substrate Runtime Module. 2. The graphQL server bootstrap. 3. Mobile application bootstrap with cold wallet already integrated. * Are there are any teams who have already contributed (financially) to the project? No. * Have you applied for other grants so far? No. * Are there any other projects similar to yours? Not familiar. As Jingtum's European project director last year I was in Europe to promote the blockchain solution on access control, that's also why we came up with this idea, check our [previous work](https://www.litentry.com/post/oss-meeting) An access control parachain example could be find [here](https://video.wixstatic.com/video/760d3a_fd3919e6e8944f5d8684b7224f84675b/1080p/mp4/file.mp4)