## SubstraTEE extension pack 1 This application is (select one): - [x] Speculative (use this by default) - [ ] an RFP response ### This application is (select one): - [ ] Public (fully) - [x] Public with private finances ### Abstract SCS has developed SubstraTEE with a grant from the web3 foundation. After fulfilling that grant with the delivery of M4, SCS continued the development on its own and has reached M5, adding a private token transfer implementation that allows to instantiate a paint-balances module within an enclave. SubstraTEE has drawn the attention of the Energy Web Foundation and other industry contacts looking for confidentiality solutions for substrate or Blockchains in general. Also, synergies with other grant teams like pLibra or Advanca have been identified. On request of Parity Technologies and W3F, SCS proposes an extension to SubstraTEE that aims at approaching a production-ready MVP solution for enterprise use cases. This extension pack will add: * accessing on-chain state within an enclave state transition function (STF) * verifying inclusion proofs for extrinsics * upstream alignment with parity substrate master (PR #3778) * security audit by external entity security hardening (including known issues) * (optional) a public testnet running a demo case ## Team members * Alain Brenzikofer: @brenzi on github, Department Head, Developer * Marcel Frei: @electronix on github, Project Manager for substraTEE, Developer * Christian Langenbacher: @clang on github, Developer * Sabine Proll: @sabinep, Developer * Juraj Skripsky: @jskripsky on github, Rust-Guru, Reviewer ## Team Website * https://www.scs.ch/en/about-scs/departments/decentralized-systems/ ## Legal Structure Swiss AG ## Team's experience As an engineering services company SCS AG has more than 25 years of experience in the fields of electronics, software and system design. Profound know-how, solid methodological competence as well as efficient project management are the foundation of our success. Most programming experience in the following languages: C/C++, C#, Java, Python and VHDL. Alain Brenzikofer follows Blockchain developments since 2011. He works for SCS since 2012 where he started working on blockchain projects in 2016 and was appointed to lead a new department for "decentralized systems" in summer 2018. As a private initiative, he designed a new cryptocurrency ecosystem [encointer - An Ecological, Egalitarian and Private Cryptocurrency and Self-Sovereign Identity System](https://encointer.org) . A project he currently intends to realize based on Substrate (including this privacy extension). Our team is part of the [Quartierstrom project](https://quartier-strom.ch), implementing and currently field-testing a decentralized P2P energy market in Switzerland together with ETHZ, Bosch IoT Lab, HSLU and others. SCS is in charge of the development of a dynamic grid usage-tariff smart contract as well as privacy-by-design concepts for the decentralized energy auction, thereby investigating and evaluating Zero-Knowledge Proofs, Linkable Ring Signatures, Multi-Party Computation as well as Trusted Execution Environments. Moreover, we've developed a PoC for Electric Vehicle charging process on blockchain based on Parity Ethereum: https://youtu.be/xJUKNlV79pg For trusted sensor oracles, Alain wrote a [whitepaper on decentralized trusted timestmping](https://www.scs.ch/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/trusted-sensor-whitepaper.pdf). Alain, Marcel and Christian are the core devlopers for substraTEE. A few further blockchain projects are subject to NDAs. ## Team Code Repos * https://github.com/scs/substraTEE * https://github.com/scs * https://github.com/brenzi * https://github.com/encointer ## Team LinkedIn Profiles (Not all on LinkedIn) https://www.linkedin.com/in/alain-brenzikofer-9a4480165/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/christian-langenbacher-baa629182/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/juraj-skripsky-4338a217/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/sabine-proll-5a7118153/