# Project name GunClear ## Project Description * Our mission is to provide the firearm industry with a private and secure data storage solution for firearm ownership history and transactions. * GunClear is a valuable project that solves a real problem which can't be solved without the use of this technology. If successful, we will engender adoption by a community completely outside the Web3 ecosystem. * Our plan is to develop our production network leveraging Substrate as it's base. It will integrate various technologies including a Plasma bridge to Ethereum and zk-SNARKs proof generation and verification allowing private transfers on the child chain. * Substrate helps us solve a problem being giving us a secure base to build our network on. It also integrates libp2p, which we will be working to incorporate better privacy-centric p2p networking technology inside of to support our use case. ## Team members * Bryant Eisenbach (protocol architect and lead smart contract engineer) * Sean Coughlin (lead zk-SNARKs researcher) * Mat Fox (product lead) ## Team Website * gunclear.io ## Legal Structure Integritas Solutions Corp LLC (Nevada) is the entity ## Team's experience Team lead has extensive experience building mission-critical, high reliability software for Aerospace, and has been working as an Ethereum smart contract developer for 1.5 years. Lead SNARKs researcher is currently pursuing a PhD in Applied Mathematics, has extensive experience developing enterprise-grade software, and experience with p2p networking technology. Team also has experience with mobile application design and user experience development. ## Team Code Repos * https://github.com/GunClear * https://github.com/zatoichi-labs ## Team LinkedIn Profiles * https://www.linkedin.com/in/bryant-eisenbach * https://www.linkedin.com/in/sean-coughlin-b251831 ## Development Roadmap * 6 month timeline is to develop a draft Plasma contract and client in Substrate, demonstrate it working. * This timeline includes many other tasks, including the incorporation of zk-SNARKs tech. * We are currently in a capital raise to collect enough money to build out the MVP and go to market. * A $30k+ grant would help us get our engineering team started on this path sooner than later. * When the product MVP is built, we intend on going to market with the product in partnership with a range of industry players and building our community. ## Licensing All GunClear backend code will be open sourced under the MIT software license. ## Additional Information * We have a proof of concept already built ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSJsILw4BJs)) * We have accepted angel financing to build the PoC